(100% scientifically proven) Cause of hair loss - Aware about world

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Saturday 18 May 2019

(100% scientifically proven) Cause of hair loss

SICK OF HAIR LOSS, here are cause & remedies (100% scientifically proven)

causes of hair loss in men
how to fix hair loss
In this modern era every other guy or woman suffering from hair loss. Do you literally know the reason behind it? Here we would discuss about all the causes and remedies of this major problem. Majority of people suffering from hair lose belongs to our youth.
Basically there could be many reasons behind it but eventually all those reasons comes over nutrition.
Clearly if I would say there is 5 things that you are skipping in your food on regular basis.

Indeed good hairs = (protein + iron + vitamin C + omega 3 + biotin). All these 5 nutrients everybody needs to get healthy hairs. We need vitamin C to digest iron in body. If you have shortage of iron in body then your hair will become thin out. Protein or amino acids are very essential for your hair and one hair equal to protein. It strengthen your hairs. Omega 3 is very necessary for your brain & scalp. If you have itchy, dry skin of scalp means you have deficiency of omega 3.
Avoid Aspartame (its artificial sugar) if you loosing hairs or thin hairs. Finally biotin or B7 vitamin is very vital for our hairs, and thicken your hair. It is water soluble vitamin.

what is diabetes? 

cause of hair fall
nutrition is everything

Primary function of biotin is helps to convert the glucose into energy. Though people buy biotin supplements for hair loss that is not exactly right thing. Dosage of biotin and other nutrient’s depends on age, whereas daily recommended amount of biotin for adult is 300mcg. This amount of biotin people get daily through their food. 300mcg is very tiny amount. If you are consuming biotin supplement without consultation then it is not going to give you expected result at all. People take biotin in excess about 5000 or 10000mcg in one pill. Really! You are extremely exceeding the limits. Don’t buy biotin supplement without any lab report, that you have biotin deficiency.

Hair loss doesn’t depends on biotin only, there are many factors behind. Could be low testosterone or 5 main nutrients for healthy hairs mentioned above. If you are consuming dairy, eggs, non-veg, legumes, whole wheat, etc. then you don’t need to take biotin externally at all. You are already taking enough amount of biotin from your food about 300mcg.

If you are losing hairs then you need to switch on healthy nutrition including all 5 essential nutrients. And you don’t need to buy any supplement for these 5 nutrients. These all are available in food you just need to switch right food which has protein, biotin, iron, vitamin C, omega 3.
100% scientifically proven cause of hair fall
take multi-vitamins & minerals

Protein - legumes, eggs, milk, chicken, Chia seeds, flax seeds, etc.
Biotin – egg yolk, milk, legumes, fish, etc.
Iron – kidney beans, garbanzo beans, spinach, lentils, eggs, chicken, etc.
Vitamin C – all citrus fruits, grapes, oranges, lemon, bell pepper, fennel, etc.
Omega 3 – fish, fish oil, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, etc.
Give these foods a try then you’ll see the change in few months.

If you hairs start to loss suddenly in late springs and summers, then you need to know about Kapha, Vata, Pitta. (Click below to know about kapha, vata, and pitta)

                                                 Stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                                      Article by Prince Vashiist.

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