how to quit smoking ! (Drug rehabilitation) - Aware about world

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Wednesday 25 March 2020

how to quit smoking ! (Drug rehabilitation)

                                                           Drug rehabilitation

quit drugs
quit drugs

This blog is designed for someone who wants to quit drugs like alcohol, smoking, Opiates, Stimulants. They need to follow the nutrition will help to improve the Brain functioning, production of Red Blood Cells, reproductive system & hormone imbalance, strengthen the immune system, etc. During the drug addiction, it causes some pretty serious nutritional deficiencies. Your body needs nutrients to heal. Providing your body with those missing nutrients is going to be crucial to helping it cope with withdrawals and get back on track. Plus, when you’re feeling better, it’s much easier to ignore cravings. So eventually we have to articles for you guys A& B. article B would be in next blog.

Your body needs fiber

While a multivitamin does help replace some nutrients if you’ve been eating poorly for a while, it can’t sustain you for longer. Make sure you’re getting lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Not only will the fiber keep your digestive system happy, but it also regulates your blood sugar. That means fewer mood swings, and an easier time staying on course. You guys can have chia seeds on daily basis.

You don’t want to replace your addiction
Yes, sugar is the far lesser of two evils. But many people in recovery use sugar and caffeine to keep Feeling awake and alert. Over time, your brain will expect food to taste sweet, and the healthier foods just won’t taste as good. Gaining more weight than is healthy can become a problem if you’re using sugar as a substitute for your addiction.

Health benefits of jaggery (गुड) click here

Alcoholism usually causes deficiencies in vitamin B6, thiamine (B1), and folic acid (B9). Individuals with alcoholism also often have an imbalance of fluids, electrolytes (minerals), and protein. All of this can lead to damage in the liver and pancreas, as well as high blood pressure and seizures (change in behavior). A recovering alcoholic will need a well-rounded diet. Women who have been heavy drinkers for a while will often benefit from calcium supplements as they’re at a high risk for osteoporosis (weak bones & break with ease).

Usually everybody knows smoking makes free radicals in our body cause of fume or fusion of nicotine & more like benzene & cadmium if we talk about cigarette. It affects our brain, lunges, heart, reproductive system & skin as well. Smoking leads to plaque in coronary arteries, head stroke even reduce the sperm count gradually. At the end it is not that easy to quit smoke or other drugs. Some of them says we got feel something over throat. You need to take anti-oxidants on regular basis also need to keep your body hydrate.
Replace nicotine with something high in caffeine i.e. dark chocolate, black tea, espresso, green tea. Have any of these when high urge of smoke. 

how to quit drinking & smoking
quit smoking

Cayenne pepper has anti-inflammatory properties, widely used to prevent lung cancer. It is great substitute or supplement for smokers & great detoxifying agent as well.
On the other hand honey is another grateful substitute for nourishment of body even control the urge of smoking but make sure about high calories  

Unlike other drugs, marijuana or weed increases your appetite. However, this means you’ll often be eating foods high in fat and sugar. During detox, your focus will be on scaling back your caloric intake and finding balance with foods that nourish your body.

Opiates such as Heroin, Chitta affect the digestive system, and individuals addicted to these substances will often deal with constipation, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Because of this, individuals with opiate Addictions often have an electrolyte imbalance. Focusing on a high-fiber diet will help sort out the gastrointestinal problems. Have vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

What is fat? click here

Stimulants such as cocaine, Crack give a high that reduces appetite and the need for sleep. Because of this, your body will likely need lots of liquid to fight dehydration, and all around better nutrition. Staying up for extended periods of time can do a number on your body, and heavy stimulant use can cause permanent memory damage. So eat food rich in Omega 3 (fish oil, flex seeds, fish)

                                                                                                                       article by - prince vashiist

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