What is omega-6 & 9, its requirement? - Aware about world

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Sunday 16 June 2019

What is omega-6 & 9, its requirement?

                          What is omega-6 & 9, its requirement?

why we need omegas
why you need omegas


Omega-6 or CLA (conjugated lenolic acid) are same poly-unsaturated fatty acid. This is non-essential fatty acid, which means out body do not produce itself. We need it externally. CLA supplements extract from dairy products where saturated fat separate from dairy products.
We consume CLA from dairy, meat, oils etc. but we cannot consume omega-6 daily dosage from these saturated fat rich foods. Because all dairy, oils, meats are rich in saturated fats. You already know saturated fat is bad fat. 

So you don’t need that CLA from saturated fats. There you need to switch CLA or omega-6 supplements. Daily recommended unit is 3-5 g/day. So you can’t get 3-5 gram omega-6 from food. You will get saturated fat along with omega-6. That is not good at all for your heart. 

Benefits of omega-6

It helps to lose weight & helps to loss fat. Yes it is natural fat burner, it breaks down your stored fat cells into fuel like carnitine. If you are using other fat burner supplements then quit because other fat burner supplements increase metabolic rate & heart rate as well. CLA is all natural fatty acid there is no such report against CLA till today.
It is also a great cancer preventer. It has anti-cancer properties. It also beneficial for cholesterol patients. People who work out or who don’t work out all need omega-6.

omega 9
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OMEGA-9 is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid. But it is non-essential fatty acid which means our body produce it itself. So we don’t need it that much externally. You can have it some foods like olive oil, avocado, sesame oil, macadamia oil etc. it is categorized into 4 categories;
1.       Olecic acid
2.       Erucic acid
3.       Mead acid
4.       Nervonic acid 

Although erucic acid  is not good for health if you are thinking why then we’ll discuss about it in next blog.
Omega-6 & omega-3 are very high in Indian diet, so you need to make sure you take omega-6 saturated fat free and omega-9 is non-essential fatty acid you can ignore it because its requirement completes in food. But omega-3 is extremely absent in Indian diet so you need no switch omega-3.

                                                      Stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                                            Prince Vashiist

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