what is VATA, PITTA, KAPHA? - Aware about world


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Monday, 13 May 2019


                                                            Vata, Pitta, Kapha

                                                                  Know your body type

vata, pitta, kapha
According to Ayurveda Prapancha is that is made of five elements. Earth, water, wind, fire, space. Everything made of five elements on earth but it doesn’t mean that everything made of lump of earth and mug of water and so on. It is the quality OF these element that exist in everything that is manifest. Earth represent the property of mass and inertia, water denotes fluidity, fire represents heat and warmth, wind represents instability and movement, finally space represents property of occupying some space. Human body too comprised of these elements which interact with each other to perform various bodily function.

When the earth element in body mainly contribute with solid food that we consume interact with water element in body that we drink. The properties of these two elements interact to form kapha.
The properties of kapha element represents oily, cold, heavy, viscous, smooth, slimy and immobile.

three elements needs to balance in body
When the water element in body interact with fire element which is bodily heat then properties of both element interact to form pitta. The properties of pitta element are oily, observant, hot, light, odorous, mobile, anger and fluid.

Now when the air element in body interact with space then resultant properties is vata. Vata properties are dry, rough, light, cold, and subtle.

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 Ayurveda represents health as a result of the balance among these three mixtures. Dominance or weakness of ant one dosha over the rest leads to imbalance which revel itself disease.
The most noteworthy thing is the yoga science and Ayurveda approach health and balance of human body.



 â€“ when the vata element more dominant on pitta and kapha, then body is generally cold, dry and light. Body often feels restless and active. Vata dominance is not just on the level of body but on mind as well. As irregular thinking and excessive and fast speech, people with excessive vata tendencies are light sleepers with excessive dreams.


 â€“ when pitta is more dominant on vata and kapha, the body is generally warm. The people with pitta imbalance tend to have oily skin and hair, and also thy tend to sweat more than others. They are also prone to hair fall and pronounce ageing symptoms. 


 â€“ when the kapha element dominant on pitta and vata, then body feels little more heavy and inert. People with kapha imbalance generally put on weight easily and have sound sleep.

Vata, pitta, and kapha imbalance no need to fix things in life. Just need to have Ayurveda herbs, change lazy lifestyle, yoga and right food to bring balance for each element out of vata, pitta, and kapha.

                                                     Stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                                                                     Article by Prince Vashiist


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