nutrition for drug addiction recovery - Aware about world

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Wednesday 25 March 2020

nutrition for drug addiction recovery


diet for drugs

Water - Start with hydration
Alcohol is notorious for dehydrating the body as you guys know & many drug users do not feel the need to drink water while using. Your body needs hydration to function well. In addition to lots of water, try electrolyte-packed beverages such as lemon water & coconut water as well, especially if you’ve been vomiting. If you’re able to make an investment, consider getting a juicer to start getting fruits and vegetables to start getting vitamins back in your system while you hydrate.

Eat your fruits and veggies
Aim for 4 to 5 servings every day. & don’t be afraid to have fun with this! There are tons of different types of fruit out there. Not big on apples? Try mangos, Papaya, Grapes. A spinach salad with cucumber, chopped walnuts, and a light vinaigrette (Red Vinegar) is easy to make and delicious.

Protein is a building block of a healthy body. It helps to repair the cells. Protein isn’t just in meat, a small container of yogurt has about 11 grams, and a cup of dry beans has 16 & many more you can check out on internet.

A multivitamin can be extremely beneficial to kick-start your detox. Many people in recovery can benefit from a multivitamin with zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and B-complex. You may even want to look into homeopathic supplements like turmeric, milk thistle (plant), and green tea. However, be sure to talk to your doctor before trying adding vitamins to your diet. Every person’s body is different, and you may need more of one nutrient than another. Also, certain vitamins can be harmful depending on what else you’ve been taking. Or you get allergic. 

what is diabetes and its natural cure

It’s not drug cravings; you’re hungry
Many people who have been using drugs for a long time have forgotten how hunger feels. When your body has a chance to recover, those feelings may come back in full force. If you’re craving something, it’s likely not drugs, but just food. Stick to regular mealtimes. This will teach your body when to expect food and help keep the hunger under control.

EVERYDAY DETOX TEA – Coriander Powder, Green Cardamom, Ginger, Basil Leaves, Honey (green tea)

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