what is diabetes and its natural cure - Aware about world

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Saturday 4 May 2019

what is diabetes and its natural cure

                                  What is Diabetes ?

what is diabetes, what is diabetes cure

Have you ever wondered why does Diabetes (sugar) happens ! so stay tuned here are symptoms and natural treatments

Types of diabetes :-

1.       Type 1 diabetes
2.       Type 2 diabetes
3.       Gestational diabetes
4.       Pre diabetes (could may or may not lead to diabetes)

Diabetes is sugar level present in blood. which is controlled by insulin hormone present in body, while insulin hormone is released by beta cells and beta cells are produced by body organ pancreas. Whenever we eat anything then carbohydrates brakes down into glucose and glucose goes to bloodstream  then this glucose level fluctuate the insulin hormone in body,
simply whenever we will eat anything then our insulin will spike. Sometime it suddenly raise or spike when we consume fiber less food or ordinary carbohydrates  which is not good thing for human body because if we would do it for longer then insulin hormones cannot be able to control the increased level blood sugar because sugar level gets higher then normal & later on people become diabetic. And it leads to life threatening problem sometime. This type diabetes called Type 2 diabetes.

Basically diabetes does happen because our food has lack of dietary fiber, which helps to digest food gradually. If dietary fiber would be absent in our food then carbohydrates in food breaks down quickly before required time by human body. Then those carbs breaks down into glucose and that glucose level spike the insulin hormone. Although nobody wants to suddenly increase sugar level in body. Whilst this process will go longer in body till then our insulin spikes blood sugar level and you will feel hunger after few time. Eventually whenever we will eat ordinary carbs in meal our insulin will must spike and these simple carbs digest quickly then becomes glucose & this sudden high level of glucose spike the hormone.

cause of diabetes, what is diabetes
that's how sugar level flow in blood

health Benifits of consuming chocolate

We need to do only a thing consume complex carbohydrates. Which digest gradually in required time by human body. That is what everybody actually wants. Same thing happen with we consume excess amount of sugar whether you are eating white sugar or having artificial sweeteners (any packed drink or juice in market). Because sugar even breaks down into glucose.  

the level of glucose in the blood rises after meals. A normal blood-sugar level after eating should be among 135 and 140 (mg/dL) milligrams per deciliter and before meals should be about 70 to 80 mg/dL.

Two types of carbohydrates

1.       Ordinary carbs
2.       Complex carbs

Ordinary carbs are those who does not digest gradually means these types of carbs has absence of dietary fiber.
               e.g. =  white rice, white flour, white pasta, burger, white potato, white bread, pizza , Indian bhatury, etc. (all those things made of white flour.)   
White flour is white, because fiber has been removed from it. That’s why you feel huger after few time of consuming white rice.

Complex carbs are those who digest gradually, these types of carbs does not spike insulin hormone. Which includes e.g. = whole wheat flour, (not purchased by market), sweet potato, whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.
Complex cabs are rich in dietary fiber. Whereas ordinary carbs has no fiber at all. Best fiber rich foods include chia seeds, nuts are best in world. So even add chia seeds in your daily diet.

benifits of fiber rich food
highly fiber rich food

Basically if somebody is diabetic at your home then doctor might resist him to eat any food made up of white flour, white rice, potato, pizza, white bread, artificial sweeteners, etc.  and doctor recommend do morning walk or exercise. 

Unhealthy lifestyle and obesity are the major region leads to type 1 diabetes. Exercise is very important to burn excess sugar level into your body that is why doctor suggest exercise. Exercise is all about balance your hormonal level. And finally you need to switch to complex carbohydrate. High estrogen could be cause of type 2 diabetes (most of the women suffering from type 2 diabetes cause of high estrogen)

70-80 % people of India spicily and over earth or majority of people suffering from type 1 diabetes.

what are reasons for diabetes
type 2 diabetes factors

In case of type 1 diabetes - immune system of human body destroy the beta cells in body which are responsible to produce insulin hormone in body. Its reasons are not cleared it is generally happen genetically. Sometime It is managed by insulin injections.

Gestational diabetes which usually results after the birth of baby or any pregnant woman, if mother or father would be diabetic already.

Pre-diabetes is when then blood sugar level at the border line, higher than normal or lower then diabetics.

So follow healthy life style and do workout regularly because nutrition is the key, which is responsible for your health. STAY HEALTHY STAY FIT
                                                                                                                      article by prince vashiist



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