What is cardio? - Aware about world

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Sunday 12 April 2020

What is cardio?

 You might have heard this term Cardio!    
                       What is cardio?
                                         is it anti aging ?

what is cardio
what is cardio?

You guys might have heard about this term cardio. What is it precisely?
Cardio is Cardiovascular in complete term. Cardiovascular is entire process about flow of blood into body through heart & blood vessels which transports the nutrients & oxygen to cells & tissues. It is exercise of heart & lungs even for your brain.

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cardiovascular is important

Because blood circulation would be much. Usually your heart beats 75-80 bpm. When your heart rate becomes about 110 bpm, then you are in cardio vascular zone. Cardio could be anything any activity which will increase your heart rate among 90-110 bpm. When you increase your heart beat then your body sucks more oxygen you inhale more as usual, at that moment blood circulation gets fast means blood pumps to your brain more than normal rate of flow & when you inhale more while cardio then your lungs will get more oxygen then lungs blow more & brain will get good amount of oxygen through RBC.
Eventually it is very good exercise of heart, lungs & brain as well. Most noteworthy thing is cardio got anti-aging properties. if you would go to any nutritionist for anti ageing diet they would must recommend cardio. A new study published today in the journal European Heart Journal says when it comes down to the anti-aging effects of exercise, cardio is queen Cardio will keep you young inside & outside as well. Health is inside whether outside it is our duty to take good care of our body. So start cardio at least twice & thrice in a week.

                                                       stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                               article by prince vashiist

if you guys need other information about anything let me know in comments below

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