Why people gets heart attack (cause of heart attack) - Aware about world

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Wednesday 29 April 2020

Why people gets heart attack (cause of heart attack)

have you ever think about why people gets heart attack?
 Why people gets heart attack
 Here is the reason behind cardiac attacks
Heart attack is a medical condition in which blood is not able to pass through coronary arteries to your body cause of clotting in arteries wall. High cholesterol & BP also the reason of heart attacks. Ideally people who consume excess amount of saturated fats (vegetable oil, refined oils, etc.) for longer gradually or having fried foods (Indian street food, cookies, packed snakes, lays etc.) which are full of saturated fats. These things leads to heart attack down the road.
Heart attack type 1

·         Coronary arteries disease

Left ventricle contract (left portion of heart) & pass oxygenated blood to body through coronary artery. Plaque also clot in this artery of saturated fatty acids. Then the flow of blood reduces & could disrupt the arteries wall, then blood starts to clot & blood circulation gets stop. Which becomes heart attack or also called myocardial infarction.

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To heal this problem usually doctors use the procedure according to your heart attack stage is coronary angioplasty. Where balloon shape catheter & place Stent which is thin metal mesh. This metal mesh in your artery becomes alive cells or decompose metal in blood within 2 to 3 weeks. Other surgical procedure is (CABG) coronary artery bypass graft. In this method block artery bypass with other vessels of body to pass the blood.

Medication = oral anti platelet therapy. Help prevent platelet from sticking together & forming new blood coats. - Beta blockers helps to lower heart rate & blood pressure. ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzymes), ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) & calcium channel blockers also lower blood pressure if needs.
In this condition you need to stick with low fat diet to lower the cholesterol.

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Heart attack type 2.
·         Acute myocardial infarction
(Heart muscles dies) and dead area can no longer to pump & this can lead to Cardiac arrest, shock, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure (CHF) - build excessive fluids in lungs or other organs & stop the proper functioning of lunges. It could happen cause of hypertension or high BP & diseased heart valves.

Arrhythmia- electric disturbance results to arrhythmia. Abnormal slow <60bpm or > 100bps or there is no pulse is V-fib (ventrication fabrication) & pulse less electric activity called asystole.

Eventually I would suggest have good fats (unsaturated fats) & do cardio regularly this is best exercise for your heart.

                                               stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                            article by prince vashiist

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