How to get rid of man boobs (gynecomastia) - Aware about world

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Thursday 2 May 2019

How to get rid of man boobs (gynecomastia)

man boobs basically made cause of high estrogen in men, now we will discuss deeply about estrogen in men.


                                     estrogen is primary female hormone, men & woman both produces estrogen & testosterone  hormone. Testosterone is male primary hormone. Both needs both hormone because estrogen is also necessary in male body it helps to regulate the testosterone helps to cardiovascular and other brain functions depends on estrogen level. Even libido depends on it. But it is important to balance the number.  

Elevated level of estrogen can cause of heart disease in both man & woman.

gynemostia, man boobs, estrogen
how to get rid of man boobs

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      1. Chest enlargement (gynecomastia)
      2. Erectile dysfunction (specially in the morning when testosterone is high)  
      3. High fat on stomach
      4. loss of muscles  (for muscle building testosterone should be high)
      5. high estrogen could be cause of type 2 diabetes (most of the women suffering from type 2 diabetes cause of high estrogen) you could checkout in laboratory
        Why does it increases – it increases with age because our body cannot be able to use it properly by age.
                                                  If you are young then it must could be cause of wrong diet which increases estrogen. Other could be inject steroid specially in men.

                               Some foods which reduces estrogen level. Cruciferous vegetables reduce the estrogen production, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, collard greens, kale, and turnip.
        Some powerful estrogen blockers are 1. Mushrooms 2. Red grapes 3. Sesame seeds.
        B12 & B9 vitamin also important to reduce estrogen even fiber rich food, one of the most important thing is exercise because workout is all about balance hormone. When you’ll lose fat it will automatically reduce estrogen level.  red grapes are very helpful to reduce estrogen level in men because it has high amount of substance called resvitrol . which is also find in red wine.
      6. Estrogen boosters - soybeans, Nuts, red wine, fruits (strawberries, peaches,) peaches reduce the risk of cancer & stroke, other cardiovascular diseases. While strawberries can lower the risk of obesity & promote healthy skin even hairs. if anyone one of you suffering from this problem then you can find symptoms in you and if you cannot fix your nutrition and cannot workout then you must need to consult with doctor. sometime surgery is recommended by endocrinologists' 
                                   make sure proper nutrition and regular workout helps to stay fit for longer and take you 
                                   away from diseases.  stay healthy stay fit.
                                                                                                                                                article by ❤ prince vashiist

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