What is cholesterol? - Aware about world

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Saturday 22 June 2019

What is cholesterol?

                                                      What is cholesterol?

how to reduce high cholestrole
what is cholesterol
Cholesterol is a viscous substance that comes from two sources our body produces itself & through food. Our body & specially our liver make all the cholesterol that you need & circulates it through the blood. But cholesterol also found in food from animal sources such as meat, poultry & dairy products. Our liver produces more cholesterol when we consume high saturated & Trans fats diet. Excess mount of cholesterol can leads to cardiac (heart) problems. Excess cholesterol can form plaque in coronary arteries. & it makes harder to circulate blood to your heart. Plaque can break open & cause blood clots. If clot block arteries that feeds the brain, it cause a stroke. If it blocks an artery that feeds the heart then it cause of heart attack.

There are two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterols to & from cells are low density lipoprotein (LDL), & high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL & HDL cholesterols along with 1/5 of your triglycerides level makes our total cholesterol count. Which could determine through blood test.  

LDL Cholesterol
LDL considered as bad cholesterol because it contributes to plaque, a thick viscous deposit that clot arteries & makes them less flexible.

HDL cholesterol
HDL considered as good cholesterol it helps to remove extra LDL cholesterol from arteries. Healthy level of HDL cholesterol keep you away from heart diseases & stroke. While low level of HDL can cause of heart problems.

good cholestreol & bad cholestreol

Triglycerides Are another types of fats they are used to store excess energy from your diet or overdose of carbohydrates. High level of triglycerides in blood are associated with atherosclerosis. Elevated triglycerides can cause by obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption.
People with high triglycerides often have high total cholesterol level. Even high LDL & low HDL. Many people with heart disease or diabetes also have high triglycerides.

Cholesterol level in human body

Total cholesterol
199mg or less                 good
200mg – 239mg             borderline
240mg or more              high

LDL (Bad)
100mg or less                good
130mg – 159mg            borderline
160mg or more             high

HDL (good)
40mg or more               good
40mg or less                  high

how to heal cholestroel


1.       Limit intake of saturated fat food (junk food, butter, whole milk, dairy, egg yolk, meats, oils. Etc.)
2.       Eat a lot fiber rich foods 25g fiber/day (chia seeds, whole grains, maze etc.)
3.       Eat plant based proteins (legumes, no fat milk (cow), egg whites etc.)
4.       Loss weight if you are over-weight & reach at ideal body weight.

Foods to avoid = whole meats, whole dairy, oils high in sat fat, white potato, white rice, artificial sweeteners, sugar, white flour, fried foods, packed juices, Indian sweets, refined flours or oats etc.
Regular exercise to burn extra stored calories in body as fat cells.

                                               Stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                         Prince Vashiist

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