What is omega-3 and its importance - Aware about world

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Wednesday 5 June 2019

What is omega-3 and its importance

                                   What is omega-3

What are omegas fatty acid & why they are important for human body

As we discussed earlier omegas are types of unsaturated fat. Omega-3 & 6 are sort of poly-unsaturated fats & essential fatty acid, whereas omega-9 is mono-unsaturated fat & non-essential fatty acid. As we know these are healthy fats, let’s expand omegas.

why we need omega-3
why you need omega-3

OMEGA-3 it is categorized into two categories 

·         EPA (eicosa pentaenoic acid)
·         DHA (docosa hexaenoic acid)

EPA is very important only for our heart & DHA is important for brain. So you may understand the importance of omega-3. Major organs of body heart & brain if any of them stop working then you gone.
You might have heard eat walnuts, almonds you’ll get sharp mind. Ain’t it. But have ever think about it what is inside it that everybody recommend us almonds, walnuts etc. so that is omega-3 DHA.

Symptoms of omega-3 deficiency
·         Dry skin
·         Weak memory
·         Joint pain

DHA is also strengthen your hairs deficiency of omega-3 can lead to hair fall. There are other factors involve for hair fall. When you often forget things than you could have shortage of DHA (omega-3). If you are student than you really need omega-3. It is must if you have crossed age of 50 for brain & heart.

what is omega-3 fatty acid
fatty fish is high in omega-3

OMEGA-3 is important for pregnant woman's!

During the pregnancy of any women if she has deficiency of omega-3 then her baby would be mentally weak. The brain growth of baby would not be enough if her mother took not enough omega-3 during pregnancy because she would not able to feed her baby enough DHA for brain growth. If woman will take enough omega-3 during pregnancy then her baby would be sharp enough mentally. Even after the birth of baby mothers must should take omega-3 because when she will lactate her baby then baby gets nutrients through milk. 

EPA is also important for heart because it helps to reduce the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein) & increase the HDL (high density lipoprotein). LDL is bad type cholesterol & HDL is good. So nobody wants their heart unhealthy. 

omega-3 rich foods

Omega-3 rich foods – fatty fish, fish oil, flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, walnuts etc. daily recommended dosage of omega-3 is 1000 mg/day. (EPA-700 mg, DHA-300 mg)

                                                       Stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                                         Prince vashiist

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