Why should you consume multivitamins? - Aware about world

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Thursday 9 April 2020

Why should you consume multivitamins?

                      Why should you consume multivitamins & minerals?

why should you consume multivitamins

The daily life of human beings is very fast, in this era people gets forget about their health & vital things require for their body. Here I’m talking about micro nutrients means vitamins & minerals.

Why multi vitamins & minerals are important?

Do you know human body needs 13 vitamins (including B complex) & about 18 minerals. Indeed these V&M (vitamins & minerals) are the food which are very essential for our body organs like eyes, kidneys, liver, pancreas, bones, teeth’s , hairs etc. either our body tracts like digestive system, immune system, even good working of respiratory system & many more.

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best multivitamin supplements

In this fast lifestyle people forgets their meals or having wrong eating lifestyle like fast food, fried food, junk food etc. among these circumstances people cannot get all vital V&M,  so these things let your body gets deficient of important minerals and vitamins. Because you could never get vitamins in fritters (pakooda) LOL.
You guys can have these micro nutrients in green veg’s or fruits etc. not everyone can afford that in India. That’s why FDA made multivitamins & minerals so that people can get enough amount of all vitamins & minerals as per RDA in one pill on daily basis. Where you will get enough amount of vitamins & minerals as per human body requirements.

why multivitamins & minerals

So if you cannot spent money on vegetable’s & fruits on daily basis then you can spent some bucks on Multi V&M for one time in two months approx. start having multivitamins for your body if you love your health or yourself.

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                                                            stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                               article by prince vashiist

if you guys need other information about anything let me know in comments below

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