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Wednesday 29 April 2020

Why people gets heart attack (cause of heart attack)

April 29, 2020 2
have you ever think about why people gets heart attack?
 Why people gets heart attack
 Here is the reason behind cardiac attacks
Heart attack is a medical condition in which blood is not able to pass through coronary arteries to your body cause of clotting in arteries wall. High cholesterol & BP also the reason of heart attacks. Ideally people who consume excess amount of saturated fats (vegetable oil, refined oils, etc.) for longer gradually or having fried foods (Indian street food, cookies, packed snakes, lays etc.) which are full of saturated fats. These things leads to heart attack down the road.
Heart attack type 1

·         Coronary arteries disease

Left ventricle contract (left portion of heart) & pass oxygenated blood to body through coronary artery. Plaque also clot in this artery of saturated fatty acids. Then the flow of blood reduces & could disrupt the arteries wall, then blood starts to clot & blood circulation gets stop. Which becomes heart attack or also called myocardial infarction.

why should you consume multivitamins, science behind, click here

To heal this problem usually doctors use the procedure according to your heart attack stage is coronary angioplasty. Where balloon shape catheter & place Stent which is thin metal mesh. This metal mesh in your artery becomes alive cells or decompose metal in blood within 2 to 3 weeks. Other surgical procedure is (CABG) coronary artery bypass graft. In this method block artery bypass with other vessels of body to pass the blood.

Medication = oral anti platelet therapy. Help prevent platelet from sticking together & forming new blood coats. - Beta blockers helps to lower heart rate & blood pressure. ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzymes), ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) & calcium channel blockers also lower blood pressure if needs.
In this condition you need to stick with low fat diet to lower the cholesterol.

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Heart attack type 2.
·         Acute myocardial infarction
(Heart muscles dies) and dead area can no longer to pump & this can lead to Cardiac arrest, shock, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure (CHF) - build excessive fluids in lungs or other organs & stop the proper functioning of lunges. It could happen cause of hypertension or high BP & diseased heart valves.

Arrhythmia- electric disturbance results to arrhythmia. Abnormal slow <60bpm or > 100bps or there is no pulse is V-fib (ventrication fabrication) & pulse less electric activity called asystole.

Eventually I would suggest have good fats (unsaturated fats) & do cardio regularly this is best exercise for your heart.

                                               stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                            article by prince vashiist

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Saturday 25 April 2020

somebody suffering from High BP or hypertension?

April 25, 2020 0
  Hypertension or High BP (blood pressure)
                                                           follow these precautions & remedies 
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Root cause of high blood pressure or hypertension if excess amount of sodium in your food. Or you are consuming excess salt. Which fluctuates the blood pressure.
In this condition the flow of blood in the walls of arteries is too high. Three main factors affect BP.

Cardiac output (fast heart beat)
Blood volume (increased)
Resistance - flexibility of artery wall, artery diameter, blood viscosity (thickness)

Generally BP should be about 120/80 mm of HG.

want to know about thyroid & remedies? click here 

High BP can damage arteries wall. It also can burst the artery wall around brain (aneurysm) & leads to bleeding around brain cells & tissue which can lead or called stroke it also could be heart stroke.
You guys have seen around you people suffering from hypertension, they are recommended by docs to decrease the amount of sodium & increase the amount of potassium. Yes the only cure of hypertension through diet drop your sodium intake or all salty stuff & fried as well, then increase the intake of potassium which reduce the sodium amount in body. Daily dosage of sodium by RDA is 1500 mg/day & potassium is about 3500 – 4700 mg per day.
If anyone suffering from high BP in your family then reduce their sodium or salt in diet & increase potassium.
Medication – beta blockers helps to lower heart rate & blood pressure.
ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzymes), ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) & calcium Chanel blockers also lower blood pressure if needs.

Potassium rich foods – banana, oranges, cantaloupe, raisins, dates, sweet potatoes, peas etc.

                                                         stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                            article by prince vashiist

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Friday 17 April 2020

Are you suffering from thyroid? remedies here

April 17, 2020 0
 Are you suffering from thyroid?

Thyroid is a hormone. It also helps to control the growth, repair & metabolism. usually it happens cause of iodine shortage in body. Women suffer more with thyroid. Thyroid control the speed of metabolism. People suffer from thyroid gets fat because metabolism speed is very slow during thyroid.

You gotta add three main minerals Iodine, zinc, and selenium. Zinc activate the thyroid hormone & selenium protect the thyroid gland.
Also you got to avoid two things. GOITROGEN which is present in Tofu, soybeans, spinach cabbage, peanuts, broccoli, peaches, strawberry & avoid raw vegetables. Another thing is GLUTTON which is present in whole wheat & in grain, pasta etc. You gotta switch to glutton free foods.

natural remidies for thyroid

why should you consume multivitamins?

We can add all kind of dairy, eggs, all kind flesh, fruits and vegetables instead of that mansion above. Rest is most important in thyroid & at least 8 hours sleep to balance the hormone. Yoga is good workout in this medical condition. Take low carbs.workout play very important roll during this medical condition it stimulates the metabolism which is interrupted by thyroid. so workout is guys can have these herbs for thyroid shown in image above like cinnamon, raw turmeric boiled in milk, ginger,bay leaves, basil.

cure of thyroid

If you have thyroid level below 0.4 then its hyper thyroid or above 5.0 then that is hypothyroid. If you have. 0. 3/0.5 - 3.0/5.0 thyroid level then it is normal.
So take care of your diet & do exercises.

                                                         stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                            article by prince vashiist

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Sunday 12 April 2020

What is cardio?

April 12, 2020 0
 You might have heard this term Cardio!    
                       What is cardio?
                                         is it anti aging ?

what is cardio
what is cardio?

You guys might have heard about this term cardio. What is it precisely?
Cardio is Cardiovascular in complete term. Cardiovascular is entire process about flow of blood into body through heart & blood vessels which transports the nutrients & oxygen to cells & tissues. It is exercise of heart & lungs even for your brain.

Why should you consume multivitamins? click here

cardiovascular is important

Because blood circulation would be much. Usually your heart beats 75-80 bpm. When your heart rate becomes about 110 bpm, then you are in cardio vascular zone. Cardio could be anything any activity which will increase your heart rate among 90-110 bpm. When you increase your heart beat then your body sucks more oxygen you inhale more as usual, at that moment blood circulation gets fast means blood pumps to your brain more than normal rate of flow & when you inhale more while cardio then your lungs will get more oxygen then lungs blow more & brain will get good amount of oxygen through RBC.
Eventually it is very good exercise of heart, lungs & brain as well. Most noteworthy thing is cardio got anti-aging properties. if you would go to any nutritionist for anti ageing diet they would must recommend cardio. A new study published today in the journal European Heart Journal says when it comes down to the anti-aging effects of exercise, cardio is queen Cardio will keep you young inside & outside as well. Health is inside whether outside it is our duty to take good care of our body. So start cardio at least twice & thrice in a week.

                                                       stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                               article by prince vashiist

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Thursday 9 April 2020

Why should you consume multivitamins?

April 09, 2020 0

                      Why should you consume multivitamins & minerals?

why should you consume multivitamins

The daily life of human beings is very fast, in this era people gets forget about their health & vital things require for their body. Here I’m talking about micro nutrients means vitamins & minerals.

Why multi vitamins & minerals are important?

Do you know human body needs 13 vitamins (including B complex) & about 18 minerals. Indeed these V&M (vitamins & minerals) are the food which are very essential for our body organs like eyes, kidneys, liver, pancreas, bones, teeth’s , hairs etc. either our body tracts like digestive system, immune system, even good working of respiratory system & many more.

What is omega-3 and its importance click here

best multivitamin supplements

In this fast lifestyle people forgets their meals or having wrong eating lifestyle like fast food, fried food, junk food etc. among these circumstances people cannot get all vital V&M,  so these things let your body gets deficient of important minerals and vitamins. Because you could never get vitamins in fritters (pakooda) LOL.
You guys can have these micro nutrients in green veg’s or fruits etc. not everyone can afford that in India. That’s why FDA made multivitamins & minerals so that people can get enough amount of all vitamins & minerals as per RDA in one pill on daily basis. Where you will get enough amount of vitamins & minerals as per human body requirements.

why multivitamins & minerals

So if you cannot spent money on vegetable’s & fruits on daily basis then you can spent some bucks on Multi V&M for one time in two months approx. start having multivitamins for your body if you love your health or yourself.

what is fat? click here

                                                            stay healthy stay fit
                                                                                               article by prince vashiist

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Monday 30 March 2020

health benefits of coffee(कॉफी पीने के फायदे)

March 30, 2020 0

               Health benefits of caffeine

Health benefits of caffeine

Caffeine is usually a legal drug present in all drinks almost like energy boosters(like red bull), tea, medicines, carbonated drinks, green tea etc. coffee has many pros & cons as well. So here is brief summary about caffeine.

·         Weight loss
·         Boost memory
·         Reduce the risk of mouth, liver & throat cancer
·         Great pre-workout (enhance concentration)

Side effects
      ·        Nervousness
      ·        Sleeping trouble
      ·        Stomach upset
      ·         Anxiety/stress
      ·       Dehydration

 What is cholesterol? click here

disadvantages of coffee

Safe dosage is 300mg/ day (2 cups of coffee) by FDA   [FOOD & DRUG ASSOCIATION]

If you will have café in moderation it’ll give you multi benefits. It leads to weight loss & good pre-workout because it activates the brain receptors that’s how it boost focus & it boost memory either. Caffeine is used in many cancer medicines. It is very good for people who are suffering from mouth, liver & throat cancer they can have it twice in a also lower the risk of type two diabetes.

As per FDA dosage if  you are consuming more caffeine through various sources like you are having coffee, energy boosters, caffeinated gym supplement, packed & carbonated drinks. Then somehow you are exceeding the limits. At that moment you gotta face problems like nervousness. It won’t let you sleep properly even your stomach would be upset, anxiety/ stress. It many time you guys have been observed after dosage of caffeine your thirst gets higher it makes your body dehydrate if you exceed the limits.

benefits of coffee

Even Weight will gain if you are taking over dose of caffeine. If someone is pregnant then they don’t need that much coffee that is not gonna good to your baby. Avoid caffeine late night if you don’t want sleeping trouble.
Eventually it is very good substitute bit in moderation. Stay healthy stay fit.
                                                                                       Article by – Prince Vashiist

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Wednesday 25 March 2020

nutrition for drug addiction recovery

March 25, 2020 0


diet for drugs

Water - Start with hydration
Alcohol is notorious for dehydrating the body as you guys know & many drug users do not feel the need to drink water while using. Your body needs hydration to function well. In addition to lots of water, try electrolyte-packed beverages such as lemon water & coconut water as well, especially if you’ve been vomiting. If you’re able to make an investment, consider getting a juicer to start getting fruits and vegetables to start getting vitamins back in your system while you hydrate.

Eat your fruits and veggies
Aim for 4 to 5 servings every day. & don’t be afraid to have fun with this! There are tons of different types of fruit out there. Not big on apples? Try mangos, Papaya, Grapes. A spinach salad with cucumber, chopped walnuts, and a light vinaigrette (Red Vinegar) is easy to make and delicious.

Protein is a building block of a healthy body. It helps to repair the cells. Protein isn’t just in meat, a small container of yogurt has about 11 grams, and a cup of dry beans has 16 & many more you can check out on internet.

A multivitamin can be extremely beneficial to kick-start your detox. Many people in recovery can benefit from a multivitamin with zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and B-complex. You may even want to look into homeopathic supplements like turmeric, milk thistle (plant), and green tea. However, be sure to talk to your doctor before trying adding vitamins to your diet. Every person’s body is different, and you may need more of one nutrient than another. Also, certain vitamins can be harmful depending on what else you’ve been taking. Or you get allergic. 

what is diabetes and its natural cure

It’s not drug cravings; you’re hungry
Many people who have been using drugs for a long time have forgotten how hunger feels. When your body has a chance to recover, those feelings may come back in full force. If you’re craving something, it’s likely not drugs, but just food. Stick to regular mealtimes. This will teach your body when to expect food and help keep the hunger under control.

EVERYDAY DETOX TEA – Coriander Powder, Green Cardamom, Ginger, Basil Leaves, Honey (green tea)

                                                                                                                                              article by - Prince vashiist
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